Friday, September 4, 2009

Obviously our children cannot handle listening to politics in the classroom

First, I apologize for not posting. Life has been hectic as of late. I am getting ready to move accross the country and this is a MAJOR, BIG, ADULT step in life I'm not sure I am prepared for. Regardless, after reading today's news I found an article that made me so angry I had to post!

Educators take heat over Obama school speech

As a Social Studies teacher, I believe there is no evil when it comes to involving current events and politics in the classroom. I understand the concern over indoctrination and why conservatives have their panties in a bunch. I really do. I strive my hardest to keep my political opinions unknown to my students. I had the pleasure of student teaching during President Obama's inauguration, and boy did I go through my lesson plan with a fine tooth comb to make sure my personal political opinion was no where to be found. That being said many of my students figured out my political alignment and I had many a good conversation with them. My student teaching county was quite conservative. It was a learning experience for me.

So my first reaction to a speech directed to students? Awesome. I think its great that the President wants to address future voters (and non-voters, as the case will be with the younger voter turnout) directly and talk about education. I honestly believe this will not be a speech pushing ideas and policy. Will the President defend himself over recent arguments? Probably. Will this brainwash all of our students into little Socialists? No. I had a lot of students who were angry they had to watch the Inaugurational Speech, but they did what they had to do for my lesson objectives. Many of them learned new things, and reaffirmed their dislike or like of President Obama. Listening to a speech will NOT change someone's current opinion.

So I think some of our right-leaners need to calm down. Besides, the school administration has the choice to show the speech or not. And if you think not allowing a speech in the classroom will stop students from seeing it, you are obviously not internet-savvy. If a student wants to see it they will.

And why shouldn't they? Students should be up to date on current politics, and should be familiar with everything our current President is doing, regardless of personal approval. As I tried to stress to my students last semester -- Everything that happens these next four years will have a huge impact on the next election, and the election after that. So when it is their turn to vote or not vote, everything will depend on what happened now and the rest of the administration. So they better start paying attention.